

所以今年,很多人暗自发誓,无论什么都无法阻止他们过圣诞。英国零售企业TESCO乐购洞察到此点,携手代理商BBH伦敦共同拍摄了一支短片——《Nothings Stopping Us》,决心与他们一起狂欢。

该片选择了经典摇滚歌曲《Don't Stop Me Now》作为配乐,在 Queen 迷人的嗓音下,跟随这位决心满满的英国女士,穿过欢乐热闹的人群,与自己的亲人一起享受久违的圣诞吧。




Don’t stop meDon’t stop me nowI’m having such a good timeI’m having a balldon’t stop me nowif you wanna have a good time just give me a call

Don’t stop me now (’cause I’m havin’ a good time)I don’t want to stop at allI’m a rocket ship on my way to MarsOn a collision course

Don’t stop me don’t stop meDon’t stop me don’t stop me ooh ooh ooh (I like it)Don’t stop me don’t stop meHave a good time good time

Don’t stop me now I’m having such a good timejust give me a callDon’t stop me now (yes I’m havin’ a good time)I don’t want to stop at all